The mallow skipper or Plain Marbled Skipper (Carcharodus alceae), is a butterfly of the skippers family (Hesperiidae).
This widespread and common species, can be found in most of southern and central Europe, in northern Africa, in the Middle East and all way to northern India, in the Middle and Central Asia, in the western Himalayas and in the south of Western Siberia.
The scientific Latin species name alceae refers to the host plants Althaea, which, in turn, are named after the ancient Greek poet Alcaeus of Mytilene.
I met this one in Haifa, Israel.

This widespread and common species, can be found in most of southern and central Europe, in northern Africa, in the Middle East and all way to northern India, in the Middle and Central Asia, in the western Himalayas and in the south of Western Siberia.
The scientific Latin species name alceae refers to the host plants Althaea, which, in turn, are named after the ancient Greek poet Alcaeus of Mytilene.
I met this one in Haifa, Israel.

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